My Funeral Wishes

A guide to pre-arranging your own funeral, and what to do in the event of a bereavement.

Arranging a funeral is a daunting task for most people, but in our experience, when the person who has died has left a note of their wishes or instructions, the task is made easier.

With this in mind we have produced this booklet so that you can record for your loved ones information that will help them to arrange a fitting funeral. It is popular because it saves your family having to guess about the arrangements when the time comes.

This is not a Pre-Payment plan just a Pre-Arranged copy of your wishes, the funeral itself can be paid for at the time by your family or from your estate in the usual way. For details of pre-payment plans please see the Pre-Payment Plans page

Please visit our personalising funerals page for some ideas on how to make a funeral more personal.

Contact us if you would like a hard copy of this book or pop in to our office.