Direct Cremation - £1475

A direct, pure and simple cremation simply involves taking the deceased directly to the crematorium with no formal ceremony.
There are no family or friends present at the cremation and the deceased is cremated in a simple coffin. There is no funeral service.

Who offers Direct Cremation?

Armstrongs do! The fact that we can offer this service is often missed by our local families.

The shiny TV adverts, and glossy leaflets for big, corporate companies are something we cannot compete with. But what we can offer is local knowledge, the highest standard of care, and a personal touch that they simply cannot match.

As a local family business, we only ask that before you make any decisions, and sign on the dotted line that you get in touch to discuss what your options are.

There is a difference in what is offered, and this may not necessarily be made clear.

What to be aware of.

Unfortunately, if you use an ‘internet’ company, this could mean your loved one travelling around the country before finally being taken
to a mortuary, hundreds of miles away whilst awaiting cremation. Always ask the location of mortuary facilities, and where your loved one will be held in care and indeed where they will be cremated.

Why Choose Armstrongs?

While large corporate companies advertise heavily, we offer compassionate local care with a personal touch. Our team is committed to providing respectful, dignified services with transparency and no hidden fees. Before making any decisions, we encourage you to contact us to understand your options. We also guarantee that your loved one will be cared for localy, by us and that you can vist our chapel to say goodbye. All of our cremations are carried out at West Suffolk Crematorium not a crematorium hundreds of miles away.

Important Considerations

Be cautious when choosing an internet-based provider, as your loved one may be transported across the country to a distant mortuary. Always ask where your loved one will be held and cremated to ensure they receive the highest standard of care.

Pros of Direct Cremation with Armstrongs

  • Cost-Effective: The most affordable cremation option.

  • Chapel Visit: You can vist your loved on in our chapel during office hours by appointment.

  • Everything Local: Your loved one will stay safely in our care and the cremation will take place at West Suffolk Crematorium.

  • Faster Process: Fewer logistical requirements generaly mean quicker arrangements.

  • Less Administration: No additional service planning needed.


Cons of Direct Cremations

  • No Formal Goodbye: By far the biggest con is the fact that family & friends may not agree with the choice of cremation, and risk not being given the closure that a full, bespoke funeral service can give.

  • Lack Of Closure: Not being able to plan, and attend can cause rifts between those that would have found comfort in a final send-off.

  • No Service Conversion: If purchasing a direct cremation pre-payment plan from an internet-based company there will be no option to convert it to a full funeral service should you, or your next of kin change your mind at a later date. You can cancel but with a large penalty.

  • Family Disagreements: It is imperative that if you are considering, or have chosen a direct cremation, that you speak to your friends and family and let them know of your decision. We are finding increasing numbers of people are choosing this for themselves, and the family receive quite a shock when told they will not be able to attend and say their goodbyes in the traditional way

Final Thoughts

If you are considering a direct cremation, we recommend discussing your decision with family and friends to ensure everyone understands your choice. Our team is always available for a no-obligation chat to answer any questions.

Contact us today for compassionate, professional guidance.

What other funeral fees might be applicable?

* Bringing the deceased into our care outside normal office hours or by a third party funeral director – £250.

* We have the same, simple pine coffin design for everyone but please tell us if your loved one is 22 stone or more or very tall
   (more than 6’6″) as they are likely to require a special order coffin, but we always review each case individually.

* Additional charge may be required if a special order coffin is needed.

* Return of cremated remains by Courier – £85

* We also have a range of urns, scatter tubes and keepsakes at extra cost which can be found here.

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